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Indonesia Earthquake Relief

In Support of Caritas Indonesia
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$ of $30,00030000.00
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Updates - 16 December 2022

Caritas Indonesia has started the programme on 10 December 2022, with the team on the ground verifying and confirming the list of beneficiaries. The procurement process has also been initiated to source for the required resources.


Updates - 11 January 2023

After assessment and verification, Caritas Indonesia has identified 350 families to receive assistance, assessed 10 potential points for water facilities, and confirmed 2 points for installation by 25 January 2023. Emergency shelter kits and Non-Food Items have been procured, and Caritas Indonesia plans to distribute these items from 17 to 25 January 2023.


Updates - 11 May 2023

The rapid response by Caritas Indonesia to the West Java earthquake is completed. 350 vulnerable households (1,400 people) received hygiene kits, emergency shelter kits, and cooking utensils. 8 water points were rehabilitated to serve 557 families (2,228 people). CHARIS would like to express our gratitude once again to all of the donors who have supported this campaign.




A 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia on 21 November 2022. Though the earthquake was shallow, the damage and devastation caused were staggering – more so than the earthquakes they have experienced in the past 2 decades. According to the report by The National Agency for Disaster Countermeasures of Indonesia, the impact of the earthquake has cost the lives of 329 individuals and displaced over 100,000 people. 

There is an urgent need to provide proper shelter as the affected communities are living in makeshift shelters that may be haphazardly put together. These do not protect them from secondary threats such as heavy rainfall, floods, or landslides. Access to clean water remains a concern as roads have been damaged, causing difficulties in the distribution of clean water. The affected communities have resorted to using unsanitary water from nearby rivers or ponds and rainwater.

Let us respond in love to our brothers and sisters who are affected by the earthquake. We welcome Catholics in Singapore who would like to contribute by joining us in prayer for all who are suffering or to contribute in any way.

Photos: National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons



Project Location: Indonesia

Overall Objective: To ensure the basic needs of earthquake survivors are timely met.

  • Providing emergency shelter kits and Non-Food Items.
  • Improving water sanitation and hygiene by repairing damaged water installation points.
  • Provision of personal hygiene kits.
  • Other kinds of humanitarian aid and relief necessary.

** All donations will be used for the objectives stated. In the event that donations exceed the disbursements for this specific humanitarian/disaster response, any surplus or unspent money can be used for other overseas humanitarian aid and disaster relief efforts of the Archdiocese of Singapore in accordance with the laws and regulations of Singapore.

About Caritas Indonesia


Caritas Indonesia (KARINA Foundation) was legally established on May 17, 2006 and is an official humanitarian agency belonging to KWI (Indonesian Bishops' Conference) with a mandate as the center for coordination, facilitation and animation of the Catholic Church in Indonesia in carrying out humanitarian missions, especially to help disaster victims of natural and man-made disasters. In addition, in collaboration with KWI, Caritas Indonesia also carries out humanitarian missions on issues of human rights violations, social conflict and violence, inter-religious dialogue in humanitarian action, gender injustice and various acts of social injustice.

More about Caritas Indonesia (KARINA Foundation):