To contribute to Humanitarian Month 2024 Click Here




The Humanitarian Aid Fund (HAF) was established to support the overseas humanitarian work of the church in Singapore. Your donations to HAF will be used to provide disaster relief and humanitarian aid, covering natural disasters and other adverse circumstances faced by the poor and needy, especially in developing countries in the region. These include funding for food, medical aid, capacity building, and disaster risk reduction programmes for the long-term support of those displaced and in need.  Funds collected through the HAF will be dispersed either through grants or emergency appeals, and also for the operation of CHARIS.

Funds collected through the HAF will be dispersed either through grants or emergency appeals. Through the provision of grants, CHARIS provides humanitarian aid to disaster-stricken communities during their most vulnerable times, and assistance to victims of all forms of crises and adverse circumstances.

Requests for grants for the HAF go through a rigorous grant process that includes evaluation, due diligence, monitoring and reporting. The stringent process ensures proper accountability and usage of funds. CHARIS also favours high impact projects, which are able to provide measurable outcomes that change lives in enduring ways. Categories of causes funded through the grants dispersed by CHARIS include the causes below. 

Emergency Appeals go through an expedited process to respond quickly to all kinds of emergencies, which enables individuals to rebuild livelihoods, provides clean drinking water and basic sanitation services and hygiene items – from an earthquake or typhoon to famine or a refugee crisis. 

In accordance with the permit granted to CHARIS by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY), please note that this request for funding is extended to the Catholic Church congregation of Singapore only. The money collected is used to provide grants to organisations undertaking disaster relief and humanitarian work and the operations of CHARIS.

His Eminence, Cardinal William Goh's Message


Dear brothers and sisters,

In the Gospel according to John, we behold the profound account of our Lord Jesus Christ feeding the five thousand with a mere five loaves of bread and two fish. This miraculous occurrence not only unveils Christ's divine power and compassion but also imparts deeper spiritual truths concerning abundance, generosity, and the Kingdom of God.

This miracle speaks profoundly of God's concern for our physical needs and His ability to multiply our offerings beyond our expectations. It calls us to trust in God's providence and to respond generously to the needs of others, assured that our small acts of kindness can create a ripple effect of blessings.

Here in Singapore we are so blessed with material wealth; even if we may not have everything we want, we have everything we need, and more.  Yet, there are countless communities in the world that are sorely deprived even of basic human dignity – food, water, shelter…conditions that we cannot even imagine, due to wars, injustices, natural calamities.  God has given us an abundance so that we can put love in action for our brothers and sisters in need.  “For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.  Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality.  At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality, as it is written: ‘The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little.’” (2Cor 8:12-15)

CHARIS, in its mission to extend Christ's love and mercy beyond Singapore, has disbursed over S$1.3 million in the last financial year alone. This support has reached communities afflicted by natural and man-made disasters such as the Gaza conflict and floods in the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Greece, working alongside Caritas organisations on the ground. CHARIS also funded humanitarian projects of our member organisations and partners like the Salesian and Canossian Sisters in countries like Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Timor Leste, and many others.  These missions provided essential food support, shelter, education and medical aid to the underprivileged and displaced. These efforts reveal our collective commitment to serve as instruments of God's compassion and care for all.


Let us respond to this divine call with hearts open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. By supporting CHARIS' Humanitarian Aid Fund, we embody the Gospel values of love, mercy, and solidarity, fulfilling our baptismal promise to serve our suffering brothers and sisters with dignity and compassion.

May our efforts be rooted in the purest form of charity, expecting nothing in return but the fulfillment of God's will and the alleviation of suffering among our fellow human beings.

✠ William SC Cardinal GOH

Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore



If you would prefer to contribute via an alternative method, CHARIS is able to accept the methods below as well.

  • Cheque

Download the donation form and mail us the completed form with your crossed cheque, made payable to “CHARIS HAF”, bearer only (i.e. strike out “Or Bearer”) and send it to:

Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives, Singapore (CHARIS)

55 Waterloo Street #07-02 Catholic Centre Singapore 187954 

  • Cash

Please drop by our office to make your payment and be sure to obtain a receipt for your cash donation. Our address is:

55 Waterloo Street #07-02 Catholic Centre Singapore 187954 

  • GIRO

Download the GIRO form and mail us the completed form, with the indication “Attn: FR Executive” on the front of the envelope, to:

Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives, Singapore (CHARIS)

55 Waterloo Street #07-02 Catholic Centre Singapore 187954