The Humanitarian Aid Fund (HAF) was established to support the overseas humanitarian work of the church in Singapore. Your donations to HAF will be used to provide disaster relief and humanitarian aid, covering natural disasters and other adverse circumstances faced by the poor and needy, especially in developing countries in the region. These include funding for food, medical aid, capacity building, and disaster risk reduction programmes for the long-term support of those displaced and in need. Funds collected through the HAF will be dispersed either through grants or emergency appeals, and also for the operation of CHARIS.
Funds collected through the HAF will be dispersed either through grants or emergency appeals. Through the provision of grants, CHARIS provides humanitarian aid to disaster-stricken communities during their most vulnerable times, and assistance to victims of all forms of crises and adverse circumstances.
Requests for grants for the HAF go through a rigorous grant process that includes evaluation, due diligence, monitoring and reporting. The stringent process ensures proper accountability and usage of funds. CHARIS also favours high impact projects, which are able to provide measurable outcomes that change lives in enduring ways. Categories of causes funded through the grants dispersed by CHARIS include the causes below.
Emergency Appeals go through an expedited process to respond quickly to all kinds of emergencies, which enables individuals to rebuild livelihoods, provides clean drinking water and basic sanitation services and hygiene items – from an earthquake or typhoon to famine or a refugee crisis.
In accordance with the permit granted to CHARIS by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY), please note that this request for funding is extended to the Catholic Church congregation of Singapore only. The money collected is used to provide grants to organisations undertaking disaster relief and humanitarian work and the operations of CHARIS.