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Clare's Missionary

Clare's Missionary

  • countries:
    Malaysia, Singapore
  • cause:
    Education, Food and Nutrition
  • about us
  • mission & Purpose
  • Programmes
  • contact

Clares Missionary (CM)  is a lay Catholic Organisation in the Archdiocese of Singapore that is based on the concept of Christ in the Marketplace.  


Few people of other faiths would step into a church but when they pass by our Centre, they are effectively taking the first step to know Christ. Hence, operating from Clare’s Enrichment Corner (CEC), Block 731, Yishun Street 72, to make Christ more visible among the HDB heartlanders.

Embodying the twin spirit of Evangelisation and Service, we conduct English Bible Story sessions, celebrate Christmas and Easter parties for children and offer Education Academic Assistance and English Reading sessions for children in need at Clare’ Enrichment Corner. 

In line with the message of Laudato Si, we initiate a Thrift Corner to promote reuse, reduce and recycle as well as growing organic vegetables and plants in our mini garden to promote healthier living, to protect the Earth and care for our common home.

This is what Clares Missionary stands for – bringing Christ into peoples ordinary daily lives.

Our overseas outreach in Sabah, Malaysia is in collaboration with the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Sabah (FSIC), the Archdiocese Creation Justice Commission, Kota Kinabalu, (ACJC), the Archdiocese Commission on Pastoral Care for Migrants and Itinerants, Kota Kinabalu, (ACMI), the Caritas Kota Kinabalu, the clergy in the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu and Keningau and the lay Catholics from Sabah and Labuan. 

In Sabah, our services include Education Assistance, Food and Necessary Aid, Livelihood support, Ecology and  Mission Attachment Programme.

Our Vision: Proclaim Christ To All

Our Mission: Be Living Gospel

Our Motto: In Loving Joyful Service

"In praise and thanksgiving through our service with love."

God be Praised!  Guided by the spirituality of St Francis and St Clare of Assisi to embrace all of creation as brothers and sisters in Christ, we aspire to be a credible witness of the love of God through the works that we do and for all to encounter God and give him glory and honour in everything, everywhere and every time,

In Singapore

1.  English Bible Story

2.  Christmas/Easter celebration.

3.  Education Assistance (Tuition/homework clinic)

4.  English Reading/Enrichment sessions

5.  Thrift Corner & Mini Garden

In Sabah

1.  Education Assistance

2. Livelihood Support

3.  Food and Necessary Aid

4.  Mission Attachment Exposure Programme

Mission Sunday

Mission Sunday - "Hearts on Fire, feet on the move"

Location: Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea

Date: 21st and 22nd October 2023

Hear more about our mission work

Date & Time: 29th October 2023 | 2pm to 3pm


Clare's Enrichment Corner

731 Yishun Street 72, #01-31

Singapore 760731

CONTACT Clare's Missionary

Email us at | Florence/MaryClaire

Message us at

8131 1346, 9620 7768 | Florence, MaryClaire

Or you may visit us at 

Block 731, Yishun Street 72, #01-31, Singapore 7630731

  • ongoing
  • closed