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Father Damien Society

Father Damien Society

  • countries:
    Indonesia, Philippines
  • cause:
    Food and Nutrition, Shelter and Non-Food Items
  • about us
  • mission & Purpose
  • Programmes
  • contact

The Father Damien Society was formed in 2009 with the main objective of reaching out to the less fortunate youths in Indonesia and the Philippines. It was the initiative of our then Parish Priest. Rev. Fr. Anthony Hutjes SSCC. At the beginning we mainly supported them by providing them with stationery and other support educational equipment needed. At the moment we are supporting a kampong Kindergarten at Punggor in Batam. We also helped them with some renovation of their building when it was battered badly. There are about 12 teachers there and we have been supplementing their meager salary. 

At Punggor, we have also been providing health services to the kids and their parents. Dr. Sally and her team of doctors from Batam have been very kind to provide this service to them. At Batam, we also support an orphanage at Rempang called the St. Theresa Orphanage. These are older children who live there due to their family situations. A few of our members sponsor a few kids for their education, renewable annually. Our members have been going to these two places at the end of every year to have a year-end party with them. Some of our youths from BSC join us for these celebrations. Another place we support is in the Philippines - Bagong Silang. Here the youths are from elementary level. We support them with their annual school fees to further their education. We started supporting them since 2015. There is also a milk nourishment scheme for them especially for the malnourished youths. We also send parcels of clothing and books to them quite regularly. Our Father Damien Society of 12 active members together with Fr Rusdi meet via Zoom once a month.

To support Blessed Sacrament missionary efforts in reaching out to the less fortunate youths in Indonesia and Philippines.

Other Activities

FDS also plans and support other activities to support the Parish. These activities are as follows:

  1. Loose Coins for the Hospice Children in Uganda - Africa - Dr Anne Merrimen 
  2. Selling Hot Cross Buns for Lenten Campaign
  3. Raising funds for BsC parish. Organising a Walkathon
  4. Blood Donation drive as part of Mission Sunday and to celebrate our 10th year anniversary on Canonisation of Father Damien of Molokai
  5. Supporting Humanitarian Fair organised by CHARIS

Supporting kids in a Home in Java

Started this year, FDS is supporting 32 children (inclusive of 6 infants) in a home in Java. The name of Home is Panti Asuhan Bandu Seriyanam Bayumas - Central Java. We are supporting Sister Agnes.

Bagong Silang

FDS supports the Orphanage in Bagong Silang by providing school fees and milk for the children's nourishment needs. We support Sr Ellen SS.CC.  

Supporting Kindergartens in Batam

FDS helps in the education of the 130 children from the 3 kindergartens. Punggor is the biggest, with 10 teachers and Sr Anna guiding the children. FDS has year end parties with the children and also arranges for medical examinations for the children, their parents and teachers. The other kindergartens are in Kabil and Tiban. 

CONTACT Father Damien Society

Anne St Deux:

  • ongoing
  • closed